Welcome to North Clifton Primary School
Where 'mighty oaks from little acorns grow'
We are a small school with big ideas. At North Clifton it is our vision that all children will become independent learners. We believe in nurturing their passion, encouraging their individuality and personalising their learning. We believe that children who take ownership of their learning will achieve their very best. Through the dedication of the staff, the support of the family and the drive of the children, all at North Clifton will challenge themselves and realise their full potential.
At North Clifton we pride ourselves on the togetherness and the family ethos that we create. Everyone involved with the school has a voice and know that their thoughts, feelings and opinions are not only important but are necessary as the school continues to flourish. As a community, we work hard, support one another and celebrate the children’s achievements.
We work extremely hard to not only meet the needs of all children on a personalised level but also ensure that the children have the opportunities to challenge themselves. We regularly celebrate the children’s achievements in school but also celebrate their personal goals and embrace those successes that occur outside of school. Indeed, we take our responsibility for the children’s social, cultural, spiritual and moral development as seriously as their academic achievements. We begin the child’s journey for life in a multi-cultural society and instil in them positive expectations and behaviours. Nurturing the child as a unique individual is at the forefront of everything we do at North Clifton.
We hope that you find this informative and that it offers you an insight into life at North Clifton. If you would like to know more about the school please do not hesitate to contact us. Alternatively, please feel free to arrange a visit and experience the opportunities we provide first-hand.
At North Clifton Primary School we have three core values:
Our 3 R’s Charter underpins the curriculum that we deliver ensuring that all our pupils become aspirant, independent and confident life-long learners, who have empathy towards one another and are prepared to take risks in their learning. We believe children learn best when they feel happy, secure, confident and valued, irrespective of their ability or disability, social background, culture or gender.

At North Clifton Primary School every child's uniqueness is recognised and valued. Our core values form the backbone of our curriculum. As such, our curriculum embraces the community from which it exists, as we strive to recognise, embrace and celebrate each individual child and their diverse backgrounds and experiences.

At North Clifton we believe that the children should become independent learners. They should be individuals that take ownership of their learning. Through the hard work, knowledge and dedication of the staff, who are working hand in hand with the children’s desire to challenge themselves, we believe every child at North Clifton will succeed.