North Clifton Primary School Admissions Policy
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for showing an interest in our school. At North Clifton we believe that the children should become independent learners. They should be individuals that take ownership of their learning. Through the hard work, knowledge and dedication of the staff, who are working hand in hand with the children’s desire to challenge themselves, we believe every child at North Clifton will succeed.
At North Clifton, we also pride ourselves on the strong relationships we build between the school and the community. It is important that you know, the team are always available for you, should you have any questions, suggestions or concerns. North Clifton is a family and we aim to make every parent feel they are an important part of that family. It is this partnership that further supports the child and helps provide them with the perfect learning atmosphere.
If you are interested in your child attending North Clifton Primary School, please do not hesitate to contact us by either calling the school office on 01522 778609 or emailing the school office at office@northclifton.notts.sch.uk for an informal chat or to arrange a visit. We are very proud of our school and always welcome visitors!
We really hope to meet you and your child soon.
Browse through the links below for further information regarding Nottinghamshire County Council's School Admissions
Admission arrangements 2025/2026