An overview of North Clifton Primary School's Curriculum
A Values-Based Approach
At North Clifton Primary School every child's uniqueness is recognised and valued. Our core values form the backbone of our curriculum. As such, our curriculum embraces the community from which it exists, as we strive to recognise, embrace and celebrate each individual child and their diverse backgrounds and experiences.
Values: Intent, Implementation & Impact
Curriculum: Intent, Implementation & Impact
Rolling programmes:

Early Years & Foundation Stage
Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum
Our EYFS provides the ideal start for a child to develop their confidence as a fun loving, motivated and independent learner, within a safe, caring and nurturing environment.
Our school’s core values: Respect, Responsibility, Resilience are firmly embedded in our daily routine and our child-centred approach aims to support each child to develop holistically and at their own pace. We provide an enabling environment, promoting communication and language skills, whilst ensuring that learning is engaging and enjoyable. Learning happens through investigation, exploring and immersive, hands-on experiences, indoors and outdoors.
We follow the overarching principles stated in the Statutory Framework for the EYFS (2024). These are:
Every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured
Children can be strong and independent through positive relationships
Children learn and develop well in enabling environments with teaching and support from adults, who respond to their individual interests and needs and help them to build their learning over time. Children can benefit from a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and/or carers.
Importance of learning and development. Children can learn and develop at different rates. The framework covers the education and care of all children in early years provision, including children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
Using the EYFS Framework and Development Matters, our curriculum has been designed by planning carefully thought out skills and knowledge to meet the needs of the children at North Clifton Primary School for all of the 7 areas of learning:
Prime areas:
Communication and language
Personal, social and emotional development
Physical development
Specific areas:
Understanding the World
Expressive Art and Design​
Early Years Cycle A and B (including areas of learning)
Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework (2024)

At North Clifton Primary school, we believe an ambitious and rich mathematics curriculum is an important part of children's development throughout school, right from and early age.
The links below provide further detail about our maths curriculum.
Maths Intent, Implementation & Impact
Foundation Stage Calculation Policy
Foundation Stage White Rose Maths Scheme of Learning Autumn
Foundation Stage White Rose Maths Scheme of Learning Spring

At North Clifton Primary School, reading is a top priority and is a key driver for our curriculum. Over the years, our reading results have been fantastic. This is because we believe reading is at the heart of our curriculum and by instilling a love of reading, children develop as well-rounded and successful individuals.
The links below provide further detail about our reading curriculum.
Reading Intent, Implementation, Impact
Whole school reading progression
North Clifton Primary School has adopted the Little Wandle Systematic Synthetic Phonics approach which is rigorous, progressive and consistent from F2 to Year 2 and beyond.
Little Wandle Reading Progression Reception and Y1
To find out more about Little Wandle, please click HERE.
For our Phonics and Early Reading Policy, please click HERE.

At North Clifton Primary School, writing is a crucial part of our curriculum. All children from Foundation Stage to Year 6 are provided with many opportunities to develop and apply their writing skills across all subjects. We want all pupils to be enthusiastic writers who enjoy showcasing their developing literacy knowledge and skills.
The links below provide further detail about our writing curriculum.
Writing Intent, Implementation & Impact

Wider Curriculum
Whilst maths, reading and writing are important parts of our curriculum, here at North Clifton we provide a broad and balanced curriculum to help shape pupils into well-rounded individuals. The links below provide further detail on the wider curriculum taught at North Clifton.
Modern Foreign Languages
Design Technology