Growth Mindset Statement:
At North Clifton we believe that most things can be achieved through hard work, practise and by not giving up when we find things a little tricky. We aim to create a learning environment where children are willing to try, push themselves, take on challenges and risk making mistakes. We instil an attitude in which children look for the opportunity to learn from their mistakes, to practise and utilise the support of others when needed. We encourage children to embrace those things they find difficult and understand that they may not find it easy ‘yet’.
The schools mission statement echoes our growth mindset intent. It states that:
‘We are a small school with big ideas. At North Clifton it is our vision that all children will become independent learners. We believe in nurturing their passion, encouraging their individuality and personalising their learning. We believe that children who take ownership of their learning will achieve their very best. Through the dedication of the staff, the support of the family and the drive of the children, all at North Clifton will challenge themselves and realise their full potential.’
Our statement is in itself a growth mindset message. We encourage the children to become independent learners, who take ownership of their learning. We embrace challenge and through the nurturing and encouraging nature of the school, we ensure that we can all achieve our very best.
Growth Mindset at North Clifton:
The school ensures that it builds and develops its Growth Mindset every day. The school does this in a number of ways:
All staff have received growth mindset training. This has developed our skills and ensured that all children get the same consistent message across school.
Effort, perseverance and achievements are celebrated at our Golden Assemblies.
Staff respond to and mark work; commenting on effort as well as achievements.
Staff use the language of being brave, learning, challenging oneself and valuing mistakes.
The school led a parent training session which helped the parents understanding how we are promoting a growth mindset at school and how they can support it at home.
The school seeks the pupil voice.
We challenge the children to try something new, to persevere and learn from their mistakes (e.g. Tute lessons, sports)