Meet the Governors
If you have any questions about the governance of the school or would like to know more about becoming a governor, please email office@northclifton.notts.sch.uk
Many people are not clear about what exactly the Board of Governors does. What is our role? What are our responsibilities? If you have ever wondered about these things (or perhaps you are considering becoming a school governor yourself?) read on.
In the Governance Handbook*, The Department for Education describes the role of the governing board as:
[to] provide confident, strategic leadership and to create robust accountability, oversight and assurance for educational and financial performance.
In order to make sure we do this effectively, we meet once every half term, and have three core responsibilities:
We need to ensure that the school has a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction
We need to hold the head to account, while supporting and strengthening leadership
We need to oversee the financial performance of the school, making sure that money is well spent
A skills-based approach
These days, selecting new members of the governing board is very much about finding the right people with the right skills. We welcome governors from all backgrounds and walks of life and we believe that a diverse range of skills and experience makes for a more effective board of governors.
We regularly look at our skills and capabilities as a group, and this is an important consideration when we think about our training needs and when considering the appointment of new governors. Governors need many skills, in areas such as finance, strategy and the ability to understand data. No one individual has all of these, and we work as a team.
Minutes of Governor Meetings
Governing body minutes are available to view by appointment by contacting the school office.
Diversity Statement
Please see the link here for the Governor's Diversity Statement.
Our Governors
Karen Grundy
Chair of Governors
Governor Category: Parent Governor
Appointed by: Parents
Current term of office: 15.09.2023 to 14.09.2027
Register of Interest and other positions held: None.
Emily Mumford
Vice Chair of Governors
Governor Category: Co-opted Governor
Appointed by: The Governing Body
Current term of office: 24.01.2022 to 23.01.2026
Register of Interest and other positions held: Director of Springwood Trees
Andrew Jackson
Governor Category: Local Authority
Appointed by: The Governing Body
Current term of office: 07.02.2022 to 08.02.2026
Register of Interest and other positions held: None.
Lieselotte Harrison
Governor Category: Parent Governor
Appointed by: The Governing Body
Current term of office: 15.09.23 - 14.09.27
Register of Interest and other positions held: None
Ilona Sanderson Headteacher
Governor Category: Ex-officio
Appointed by: By virtue of office
Current term of office: 31.08.2023 to date
Register of Interest and other positions held: EYFS/KS1 Teacher
Jill Brown
Governor Category: Co-opted Governor
Appointed by: The Governing Body
Current term of office: 01.02.2021 to 31.01.2025
Register of Interest and other positions held: None.
Sharon Rose
Governor Category: Co-opted Governor
Appointed by: The Governing Body
Current term of office: 25.05.2022 to 24.05.2026
Register of Interest and other positions held: None
Vacant Position
Governor Category: Co-opted Governor
Appointed by:
Current term of office:
Register of Interest and other positions held:
Governance Documents
Code of Conduct for Governors - September 2023
Governor Attendance at Meetings 2023/24
Governor Attendance at Meetings 2022/23
Governor Attendance at Meetings 2021/22
Governor Attendance at Meetings 2020/21
Governor Attendance at Meetings 2019/20
Nottinghamshire County Council School Governors' Year End Financial Statement 2023/24
Nottinghamshire County Council School Governors' Year End Financial Statement 2022/23
Nottinghamshire County Council School Governors' Year End Financial Statement 2021/22
Nottinghamshire County Council School Governors' Year End Financial Statement 2020/21