At North Clifton Primary, we value the voice of the child and promote democratic processes (one of our Fundamental British Values), such as our school council, whose members are voted for by the children. Ideas and events are planned and discussed with a chance for debate and putting forward points of view. Our School Council meet regularly to discuss events and ideas for fundraisers, to talk about and resolve any problems or worries and to plan new school initiatives such as mentoring, anti-bullying strategies, etc.
North Clifton Primary School Rules
Agreed by School Council September 2023
Care: for the School; for each other; for the environment; for your appearance.
Listen: to each other; to teachers and adults around the School.
Important: share equipment and resources fairly; ensure everyone is included.
Friend: be a good friend to everyone. Look after those smaller than yourself.
Try: to give everything your best effort; do your best.
Obedience: be obedient and behave sensibly around school.
North Clifton Primary School - a safe, happy place to be…
Lunchtime Rules
Agreed by School Council September 2023
Don’t swing on your chair;
Don’t swing your lunch box or water bottle around;
Don’t play with your food;
Be quiet and don’t shout across the room;
Don’t kick the tables;
Always give your food a try;
No feet on the table or the chairs;
Sit properly on the chairs;
Tidy away the chairs properly;
Keep your hands to yourself;
Be polite to the dinner ladies;
Do the tables and floors properly- Year 3 +;
Remember BBC- (Bottom Back Chair) - TNT- (Tummy Near Table) – SLOFF - (Six Legs On Floor Forever).
Safety in North Clifton Primary School:
A Pupil Perspective.
Outcomes of Pupil Surveys January 2024
100% of pupils agreed that they are happy at this school.
100% of pupils feel safe at this school.
100% of pupils agree that we respect and care for each other.
100% of pupils agree that school teaches them how to stay safe on-line
100% of pupils know that they have an adult to talk to in school and what to do if they felt they were being bullied.